Monday, April 15, 2013

EOC Week 3:My Demographics

"Millennials. Both the baby boomers and Gen Xers will one day be passing the reins to the Millennials (also called Generation Y or the echo boomers). Born between 1977 and 2000, these children of the baby boomers number 83 million, dwarfing the Gen Xers and larger even than the baby boomer segment. This group includes several age cohorts: tweens (aged 9–12), teens (13–18), and young adults (19–32). With total purchasing power of more than $733 billion, the Millennials make up a huge and attractive market."

My demographic seems to be somewhat correct.  The way they based it off was by looking at what generation gap I take part in.  For example I was born in 1992 which makes me part of generation "Millennium" therefore according to statistics and studies it shows that my generation grew up with technology. Millenniums also lack on social interaction.  Generation Millennium tends to always spend more of their personal time glued onto their computers rather then being outside and enjoying nature.

“All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do.”
Demographics are crucial for business owners whether it'd owning small business owner or a big corporation, regardless its their job to find out what consumers fit their market.

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